Are you ready to transform healthcare and make a lasting impact?

Join the Healthcare Innovation An Introduction for Physicians Online Course!


Miguel Villagra, MD, FACP, FHM

Uli K. Chettipally, MD, MPH

Are you ready to transform healthcare and make a lasting impact? Join the Healthcare Innovation An Introduction for Physicians Online Course!

Leading with Innovation:

Transforming Vision into Reality

Dr. Miguel Villagra Adoctorsjourney

Leading with Innovation:

Transforming Vision into Reality

Dr. Miguel Villagra Adoctorsjourney

As Seen In:

As Seen In:

Miguel Angel Villagra-Diaz, MD FACP, FHM • Internal Medicine


I'm Dr. Miguel Villagra

My personal journey through burnout revealed the transformative power of coaching. In our one-on-one sessions, I provide a safe and confidential space for physicians to share their challenges, envision their goals, and develop actionable strategies to achieve them. Let’s work together to turn your dreams into reality.

As a certified physician life coach and Positive Intelligence Coach™, I provide a personalized, holistic approach tailored to your unique needs. Uncover a renewed passion for medicine, achieve professional growth, and find balance in your life.

My expertise extends beyond the hospital setting, encompassing diverse fields such as real estate, digital health, and artificial intelligence, to offer you a well-rounded coaching experience.

Miguel Angel Villagra-Diaz, MD FACP, FHM • Internal Medicine


I'm Dr. Miguel Villagra

My personal journey through burnout revealed the transformative power of coaching. In our one-on-one sessions, I provide a safe and confidential space for physicians to share their challenges, envision their goals, and develop actionable strategies to achieve them. Let’s work together to turn your dreams into reality.

As a certified physician life coach and Positive Intelligence Coach™, I provide a personalized, holistic approach tailored to your unique needs. Uncover a renewed passion for medicine, achieve professional growth, and find balance in your life.

My expertise extends beyond the hospital setting, encompassing diverse fields such as real estate, digital health, and artificial intelligence, to offer you a well-rounded coaching experience.

You're exactly where you should be.

You're exactly where you should be.

  • Physician to Physician

    I understand the depth of your struggles as I've been in your shoes.

  • Personalized Guidance

    No one-size-fits-all answers. Every piece of advice is tailor-made for you.

  • Holistic Approach

    Addressing both professional challenges and personal growth.

  • Holding Space

    A safe haven to be vulnerable, to be heard and to heal.

  • Physician to Physician

    I understand the depth of your struggles as I've been in your shoes.

  • Personalized Guidance

    No one-size-fits-all answers. Every piece of advice is tailor-made for you.

  • Holistic Approach

    Addressing both professional challenges and personal growth.

  • Holding Space

    A safe haven to be vulnerable, to be heard and to heal.



Unleash Your Vitality

Through REVITALIZEMD, you'll gain access to the latest innovations in preventive medicine, precision diagnostics and integrative therapies. We will work closely with you to develop a customized plan that addresses the root causes of your health concerns and empowers you to thrive.

Elevate Your Mindset

POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE™ is a game-changing program that helps you identify and overcome the negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs that hold you back. Through a series of proven techniques and practices, you'll learn to cultivate a positive, empowered mindset that unlocks your full potential and enables you to achieve greater success, fulfillment and well-being in all areas of your life.


Select the program that suits your needs.

Unleash Your Vitality

Through REVITALIZEMD, you'll gain access to the latest innovations in preventive medicine, precision diagnostics and integrative therapies. We will work closely with you to develop a customized plan that addresses the root causes of your health concerns and empowers you to thrive.

Elevate Your Mindset

POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE™ is a game-changing program that helps you identify and overcome the negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs that hold you back. Through a series of proven techniques and practices, you'll learn to cultivate a positive, empowered mindset that unlocks your full potential and enables you to achieve greater success, fulfillment and well-being in all areas of your life.


Starting Coaching Package

A pioneering program designed for physicians ready to transform their professional journeys and personal lives.

Integrative Digital Health and Positive Intelligence™

Enhanced Coaching Package

Positive Intelligence, or PQ, is a revolutionary approach that combines positive thinking and emotional intelligence.


A pioneering program designed for physicians ready to transform their professional journeys and personal lives.

Integrative Digital Health and Positive Intelligence™

Enhanced Coaching Package

Positive Intelligence, or PQ, is a revolutionary approach that combines positive thinking and emotional intelligence.

Miguel Angel Villagra-Diaz, MD FACP, FHM • Internal Medicine

Learn how to protect yourself from burnout

and maximize your professional success with our

Learn how to protect yourself from burnout

and maximize your professional success with our

Doctors in Transition: Navigate Burnout & Fuel Innovation with Evidence-Based Coaching

Struggling with burnout or considering a career pivot?

As a certified physician life coach and positive intelligence coach, I offer a personalized and holistic approach to coaching that is tailored to each of my clients needs. Discover a path to renewed passion, professional growth and a balanced life in medicine.

Dr. Miguel Villagra Adoctorsjourney

Doctors in Transition: Navigate Burnout & Fuel Innovation with Evidence-Based Coaching

Struggling with burnout or considering a career pivot?

As a certified physician life coach and positive intelligence coach, I offer a personalized and holistic approach to coaching that is tailored to each of my clients needs. Discover a path to renewed passion, professional growth and a balanced life in medicine.

Dr. Miguel Villagra Adoctorsjourney

Do you know the


Do you know the


The Optimization Perspective for Physicians Entrepreneurs

  • Personal Growth: Evolving into a better version of oneself.

  • Clarity in Decision-Making.

  • Due diligence meets intuition.

  • Enhanced Productivity: Being more efficient and effective in daily tasks and long-term projects.

Find out how coaching can propel you forward!

  • Many high achievers, from top CEOs to elite athletes use coaches to optimize their performance.

  • Coaching is more forward-looking and action-oriented, focusing on creating a roadmap for success.

  • ROI of coaching, both in tangible (increased productivity, better decision-making) and intangible ways (improved well-being, clarity of purpose).

  • Personalized approach in coaching, tailored strategies, and the importance of accountability.

Common Myths About Coaching

  • “I don’t need coaching; it's for those who are struggling."

  • "Coaching is just like therapy."

  • “Coaching is expensive and not worth the investment."

  • "I can just read self-help books or watch motivational videos."

Adoctorsjourney Life Coaching

The Optimization Perspective for Physicians Entrepreneurs

  • Personal Growth: Evolving into a better version of oneself.

  • Clarity in Decision-Making.

  • Due diligence meets intuition.

  • Enhanced Productivity: Being more efficient and effective in daily tasks and long-term projects.

Find out how coaching can propel you forward!

  • Many high achievers, from top CEOs to elite athletes use coaches to optimize their performance.

  • Coaching is more forward-looking and action-oriented, focusing on creating a roadmap for success.

  • ROI of coaching, both in tangible (increased productivity, better decision-making) and intangible ways (improved well-being, clarity of purpose).

  • Personalized approach in coaching, tailored strategies, and the importance of accountability.

Common Myths About Coaching

  • “I don’t need coaching; it's for those who are struggling."

  • "Coaching is just like therapy."

  • “Coaching is expensive and not worth the investment."

  • "I can just read self-help books or watch motivational videos."

Adoctorsjourney Life Coaching

Effect of a professional coaching intervention on the well-being and distress of physicians:

A Pilot Randomized Critical Trial

Objective: effect of individualized coaching on the well-being of physicians.

Design: a pilot randomized clinical trial involving 88 practicing physicians in Mayo clinic.

Interventions: a total of 4 coaching sessions facilitated by a professional coach.

Main Outcomes and Measures: burnout, quality of life, resilience, job satisfaction, engagement, meaning at work using established metrics.

Conclusions and Relevance: professional coaching may be an effective way to reduce emotional exhaustion and overall burnout as well as improve quality of life and resilience for some physicians.

Effect of a professional coaching intervention on the well-being and distress of physicians:

A Pilot Randomized Critical Trial

Objective: effect of individualized coaching on the well-being of physicians.

Design: a pilot randomized clinical trial involving 88 practicing physicians in Mayo clinic.

Interventions: a total of 6 coaching sessions facilitated by a professional coach.

Main Outcomes and Measures: burnout, quality of life, resilience, job satisfaction, engagement, meaning at work using established metrics.

Conclusions and Relevance: professional coaching may be an effective way to reduce emotional exhaustion and overall burnout as well as improve quality of life and resilience for some physicians.

Unlock Your Full Potential with Our Transformative Programs!

Dr. Miguel Villagra Adoctorsjourney

Unlock Your Full Potential with Our Transformative Programs!

Success Stories from Our Program

See what our clients tell about us



Join a vibrant community of individuals dedicated to personal growth, innovation, and positive impact. Engage in thought-provoking discussions, connect with like-minded peers, and access valuable resources to amplify your journey of transformation

Success Stories from Our Program

See what our clients tell about us

Dr. Luis Quiel
Puja Gohel Lead Navigator Kandu Health


As a hospitalist, telemedicine and certified physician life coach, I've discovered some incredible AI-enhanced productivity tools. From summarizing meetings to generating blog posts, these tools have transformed how I work. Ready to revolutionize your productivity? Join me on a journey through the latest AI tools and how they can boost your efficiency at work and home.

Explore these tools and more on my website. Don't miss out on unlocking your full potential with AI!



Join a vibrant community of individuals dedicated to personal growth, innovation, and positive impact. Engage in thought-provoking discussions, connect with like-minded peers, and access valuable resources to amplify your journey of transformation

Miguel Angel Villagra-Diaz, MD FACP, FHM • Internal Medicine

As a hospitalist, telemedicine and certified physician life coach, I've discovered some incredible AI-enhanced productivity tools. From summarizing meetings to generating blog posts, these tools have transformed how I work. Ready to revolutionize your productivity? Join me on a journey through the latest AI tools and how they can boost your efficiency at work and home.

Explore these tools and more on my website. Don't miss out on unlocking your full potential with AI!


Listen or Watch my PODCAST EPISODES

Not sure if our program is right for you?

Watch our YouTube podcast for a closer look at how our program works and the success stories of others like you. Get the insights you need to make the right choice. Also learn about transitioning to a new career or starting your entrepreneurial journey as as PHYSICIAN ENTREPRENEUR and AI innovator.

Click here to watch!

Listen or Watch my PODCAST EPISODES

Not sure if our program is right for you?

Watch our YouTube podcast for a closer look at how our program works and the success stories of others like you. Get the insights you need to make the right choice. Also learn about transitioning to a new career or starting your entrepreneurial journey as as PHYSICIAN ENTREPRENEUR and AI innovator.

Click here to watch!

Miguel Villagra, MD, FACP, FHM

Gain insights and explore collaboration opportunities with a dedicated business strategy session. This meeting is tailored for potential business partners or affiliates seeking to align visions and maximize growth opportunities. Reserve your spot today and let's chart a path to success together.



Pivoting Your Medical Career: Embracing Change for Growth and Fulfillment

Pivoting Your Medical Career: Embracing Change for Growth and Fulfillment

March 04, 20247 min read


In a profession as demanding and dynamic as medicine, the concept of a career pivot is not just a possibility but, at times, a necessity. Numerous factors, including personal aspirations and changes in lifestyle needs, can motivate physicians to transition from clinical practice to an alternative career path. In this blog post, we will explore the art and science of career transformation in medicine. We'll delve into why and how physicians can embrace change, not only to survive but to thrive in today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.


Understanding the need for change

In the world of medicine, the need for a career pivot often stems from a complex interplay of personal and professional factors. For many physicians, the relentless pace and emotional toll of clinical practice, the lack of autonomy, and quite often the lack of action rooted in limiting beliefs can lead to burnout. Making decisions from a perspective of frustration and even despair can lead to poor decision-making.

Additionally, the reevaluation of career paths is necessary because of the changing healthcare landscape, which is characterized by technological advancements and shifting patient expectations. Physicians may find themselves seeking a better work-life balance, new challenges, or opportunities to use their skills in non-traditional ways inside and even outside of medicine. 

The journey to a fulfilling career begins with acknowledging these drivers of change. It requires an understanding that a pivot is not just about leaving something behind but moving towards something more aligned with one’s evolving aspirations and values. By recognizing the need for change, physicians can take the first step towards a more balanced and satisfying professional life.

When I moved from leadership to just clinical work due to burnout, it was a real shift with a lot of challenges that required me to press the reset button and reevaluate my priorities in my career and life. Now I realize that having a roadmap could have made the process smoother.


The Framework for Effective Pivoting

Embarking on a career pivot in medicine requires a structured approach to ensure the transition is both successful and fulfilling. This framework involves several key steps: 

Self-Assessment: Begin by evaluating your strengths, weaknesses, and core values. What aspects of your current role do you find most satisfying? What skills do you wish to utilize more? 

Vision Crafting: Define what success looks like in your new career path. This vision should align with your personal goals and professional aspirations. 

Skill Gap Analysis: Identify the skills and knowledge you need to acquire or sharpen to succeed in your new role. This could involve additional training, certifications, or self-directed learning. 

Strategic Planning: Develop a step-by-step plan to transition from your current role to your new one. Set realistic timelines and milestones to track your progress.

Networking and Exploration: Engage with professionals in your desired field. Attend conferences, join professional groups, and seek mentorship. This networking is crucial for gaining insights and opportunities.

Flexibility and adaptability: Be prepared to adapt your plan as you gain new insights and experiences. Pivoting often involves trial and error, and flexibility is key to finding the right fit.

Support System: Surround yourself with a supportive network of colleagues, friends, and family who understand and encourage your career aspirations.


By following this framework, physicians can navigate the complexities of career pivoting with confidence and clarity, moving towards a role that is more aligned with their evolving professional identity and personal fulfillment.


The Role of Mentorship and Community

In the journey of a career pivot, mentorship and a supportive community play a pivotal role. They provide guidance, knowledge, and the emotional support necessary during this transition.

Mentorship: Finding a mentor who has navigated a similar path can be invaluable. They can offer practical advice, share their experiences, and help you avoid common pitfalls. A mentor acts as a sounding board for your ideas and a guide through the complexities of career change.

Professional Community: Building connections within a community of like-minded professionals offers a wealth of resources and perspectives. This can be achieved through professional associations, online forums, or local meetups. Engaging with a community fosters a sense of belonging and provides opportunities for collaboration and learning.

Peer Support: Sometimes, the best insights come from peers who are at a similar stage in their career pivot. Forming or joining a peer support group can provide a space for sharing challenges and successes, offering mutual encouragement and advice.

Continuous Engagement: Actively participating in these networks keeps you informed about the latest trends, opportunities, and innovations in your new field. It also helps in maintaining motivation and momentum throughout your pivotal journey.


In essence, mentorship and community are not just support structures; they are integral parts of a successful career transition, offering both professional guidance and personal encouragement.

Building Your Roadmap for Change  

Creating a roadmap for your career pivot is crucial. It's a strategic plan that outlines the steps you need to take to move from your current position to your new career goal. 

Define Clear Milestones: Establish specific, achievable milestones along your pivot journey. This could include acquiring new skills, attending networking events, or applying for new roles. 

Timeline Creation: Develop a realistic timeline for your transition, keeping in mind your current responsibilities and the time required for new skill acquisition.

Skill Development: Identify the skills necessary for your new role and create a plan to develop them. This could involve formal education, online courses, or self-study.

Networking Strategy: Outline a networking strategy that includes attending specific conferences, joining professional groups, or setting up informational interviews.

Financial Planning: Consider the financial implications of your pivot and plan accordingly. This might include saving, budgeting, or exploring part-time opportunities in your new field.

Personal Branding: Update your professional branding to reflect your new career path. This includes your CV, LinkedIn profile, and personal website.

Regular Review and Adjustment: Set regular intervals to review your progress and adjust your plan as necessary. Be open to course corrections based on new learning or opportunities.


By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive and flexible roadmap that guides your journey through a successful career pivot.


Embracing the psychological aspects of change

A career pivot in medicine isn't just a professional transition; it's a psychological journey that requires resilience and adaptability.

Overcoming Fear of Change: Acknowledge and confront the fears associated with leaving a familiar path. Understand that such fears are common and explore strategies like mindfulness or cognitive-behavioral techniques to manage them.

Cognitive Shifts: Embrace a growth mindset. See this transition as an opportunity for development and learning, rather than a risk or a step back.

Managing Expectations: Set realistic expectations for your pivot journey. Recognize that success may not be immediate, and that persistence is key.

Emotional Resilience: Develop emotional resilience. Engage in activities that bolster your mental health, like exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. 

Seeking Support: Don’t hesitate to seek professional support if the transition becomes overwhelming. This could include counseling or coaching tailored to career changes.


By acknowledging and addressing these psychological aspects, physicians can navigate their career transitions more smoothly and emerge stronger and more fulfilled on the other side.


Charting a New Path in Medicine

As we conclude, remember that pivoting into your medical career is a journey filled with opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and renewed passion for your profession. Embrace the change with openness and a strategic approach, and you're more likely to find success and satisfaction in your new path. Use the insights and strategies discussed here as a compass to guide you through this transformative process. 


Take the First Step Toward Your New Future

Reflect on your aspirations, evaluate your current career, and begin plotting your course towards a career that aligns more closely with your evolving goals and values. Seek mentorship, engage with your professional community, and start building the skills for your new role. If you're ready to embark on this journey but need guidance, consider reaching out for professional career coaching tailored to physicians. Embrace the possibilities that await you in the world of medicine.


pivotmedicalhealthcarecareerchangegrowthsuccessdoctorphysicianresilientmentorshipsupportframeworknew pathnew futurepivoting
blog author image

Miguel Villagra, MD, FACP, FHM

Internal Medicine physician who practices Hospital Medicine and is passionate about Physician Wellness and Entrepreneurship. He has several side gigs including Telemedicine, Real Estate and a Coaching Program.

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Pivoting Your Medical Career: Embracing Change for Growth and Fulfillment

Pivoting Your Medical Career: Embracing Change for Growth and Fulfillment

March 04, 20247 min read


In a profession as demanding and dynamic as medicine, the concept of a career pivot is not just a possibility but, at times, a necessity. Numerous factors, including personal aspirations and changes in lifestyle needs, can motivate physicians to transition from clinical practice to an alternative career path. In this blog post, we will explore the art and science of career transformation in medicine. We'll delve into why and how physicians can embrace change, not only to survive but to thrive in today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.


Understanding the need for change

In the world of medicine, the need for a career pivot often stems from a complex interplay of personal and professional factors. For many physicians, the relentless pace and emotional toll of clinical practice, the lack of autonomy, and quite often the lack of action rooted in limiting beliefs can lead to burnout. Making decisions from a perspective of frustration and even despair can lead to poor decision-making.

Additionally, the reevaluation of career paths is necessary because of the changing healthcare landscape, which is characterized by technological advancements and shifting patient expectations. Physicians may find themselves seeking a better work-life balance, new challenges, or opportunities to use their skills in non-traditional ways inside and even outside of medicine. 

The journey to a fulfilling career begins with acknowledging these drivers of change. It requires an understanding that a pivot is not just about leaving something behind but moving towards something more aligned with one’s evolving aspirations and values. By recognizing the need for change, physicians can take the first step towards a more balanced and satisfying professional life.

When I moved from leadership to just clinical work due to burnout, it was a real shift with a lot of challenges that required me to press the reset button and reevaluate my priorities in my career and life. Now I realize that having a roadmap could have made the process smoother.


The Framework for Effective Pivoting

Embarking on a career pivot in medicine requires a structured approach to ensure the transition is both successful and fulfilling. This framework involves several key steps: 

Self-Assessment: Begin by evaluating your strengths, weaknesses, and core values. What aspects of your current role do you find most satisfying? What skills do you wish to utilize more? 

Vision Crafting: Define what success looks like in your new career path. This vision should align with your personal goals and professional aspirations. 

Skill Gap Analysis: Identify the skills and knowledge you need to acquire or sharpen to succeed in your new role. This could involve additional training, certifications, or self-directed learning. 

Strategic Planning: Develop a step-by-step plan to transition from your current role to your new one. Set realistic timelines and milestones to track your progress.

Networking and Exploration: Engage with professionals in your desired field. Attend conferences, join professional groups, and seek mentorship. This networking is crucial for gaining insights and opportunities.

Flexibility and adaptability: Be prepared to adapt your plan as you gain new insights and experiences. Pivoting often involves trial and error, and flexibility is key to finding the right fit.

Support System: Surround yourself with a supportive network of colleagues, friends, and family who understand and encourage your career aspirations.


By following this framework, physicians can navigate the complexities of career pivoting with confidence and clarity, moving towards a role that is more aligned with their evolving professional identity and personal fulfillment.


The Role of Mentorship and Community

In the journey of a career pivot, mentorship and a supportive community play a pivotal role. They provide guidance, knowledge, and the emotional support necessary during this transition.

Mentorship: Finding a mentor who has navigated a similar path can be invaluable. They can offer practical advice, share their experiences, and help you avoid common pitfalls. A mentor acts as a sounding board for your ideas and a guide through the complexities of career change.

Professional Community: Building connections within a community of like-minded professionals offers a wealth of resources and perspectives. This can be achieved through professional associations, online forums, or local meetups. Engaging with a community fosters a sense of belonging and provides opportunities for collaboration and learning.

Peer Support: Sometimes, the best insights come from peers who are at a similar stage in their career pivot. Forming or joining a peer support group can provide a space for sharing challenges and successes, offering mutual encouragement and advice.

Continuous Engagement: Actively participating in these networks keeps you informed about the latest trends, opportunities, and innovations in your new field. It also helps in maintaining motivation and momentum throughout your pivotal journey.


In essence, mentorship and community are not just support structures; they are integral parts of a successful career transition, offering both professional guidance and personal encouragement.

Building Your Roadmap for Change  

Creating a roadmap for your career pivot is crucial. It's a strategic plan that outlines the steps you need to take to move from your current position to your new career goal. 

Define Clear Milestones: Establish specific, achievable milestones along your pivot journey. This could include acquiring new skills, attending networking events, or applying for new roles. 

Timeline Creation: Develop a realistic timeline for your transition, keeping in mind your current responsibilities and the time required for new skill acquisition.

Skill Development: Identify the skills necessary for your new role and create a plan to develop them. This could involve formal education, online courses, or self-study.

Networking Strategy: Outline a networking strategy that includes attending specific conferences, joining professional groups, or setting up informational interviews.

Financial Planning: Consider the financial implications of your pivot and plan accordingly. This might include saving, budgeting, or exploring part-time opportunities in your new field.

Personal Branding: Update your professional branding to reflect your new career path. This includes your CV, LinkedIn profile, and personal website.

Regular Review and Adjustment: Set regular intervals to review your progress and adjust your plan as necessary. Be open to course corrections based on new learning or opportunities.


By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive and flexible roadmap that guides your journey through a successful career pivot.


Embracing the psychological aspects of change

A career pivot in medicine isn't just a professional transition; it's a psychological journey that requires resilience and adaptability.

Overcoming Fear of Change: Acknowledge and confront the fears associated with leaving a familiar path. Understand that such fears are common and explore strategies like mindfulness or cognitive-behavioral techniques to manage them.

Cognitive Shifts: Embrace a growth mindset. See this transition as an opportunity for development and learning, rather than a risk or a step back.

Managing Expectations: Set realistic expectations for your pivot journey. Recognize that success may not be immediate, and that persistence is key.

Emotional Resilience: Develop emotional resilience. Engage in activities that bolster your mental health, like exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. 

Seeking Support: Don’t hesitate to seek professional support if the transition becomes overwhelming. This could include counseling or coaching tailored to career changes.


By acknowledging and addressing these psychological aspects, physicians can navigate their career transitions more smoothly and emerge stronger and more fulfilled on the other side.


Charting a New Path in Medicine

As we conclude, remember that pivoting into your medical career is a journey filled with opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and renewed passion for your profession. Embrace the change with openness and a strategic approach, and you're more likely to find success and satisfaction in your new path. Use the insights and strategies discussed here as a compass to guide you through this transformative process. 


Take the First Step Toward Your New Future

Reflect on your aspirations, evaluate your current career, and begin plotting your course towards a career that aligns more closely with your evolving goals and values. Seek mentorship, engage with your professional community, and start building the skills for your new role. If you're ready to embark on this journey but need guidance, consider reaching out for professional career coaching tailored to physicians. Embrace the possibilities that await you in the world of medicine.


pivotmedicalhealthcarecareerchangegrowthsuccessdoctorphysicianresilientmentorshipsupportframeworknew pathnew futurepivoting
blog author image

Miguel Villagra, MD, FACP, FHM

Internal Medicine physician who practices Hospital Medicine and is passionate about Physician Wellness and Entrepreneurship. He has several side gigs including Telemedicine, Real Estate and a Coaching Program.

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Gain insights into your current MENTAL and EMOTIONAL STATE.

This survey aims to understand the current state of HAPPINESS and WELL-BEING among physicians and to gather INSIGHTS on effective strategies for fostering JOY in the medical profession.

Miguel Villagra, MD, FACP, FHM

Gain insights and explore collaboration opportunities with a dedicated business strategy session. This meeting is tailored for potential business partners or affiliates seeking to align visions and maximize growth opportunities. Reserve your spot today and let's chart a path to success together.


What is RevitalizeMD?

RevitalizeMD is a specialized mentorship program designed to empower physicians by providing guidance on career transitions, managing burnout, and achieving holistic well-being.

Who is the program for?

Specifically tailored for physicians and physician assistants, RevitalizeMD addresses the unique challenges and aspirations faced by medical professionals.

What are the benefits of joining RevitalizeMD?

Participants gain personalized support, practical strategies, and access to a supportive community, all aimed at helping them reach their personal and professional goals.

How many coaching sessions does the program include?

The program comprises six private coaching sessions covering essential topics like self-discovery, work-life integration, resilience, empowerment, time management, wellness, and overcoming setbacks.

Who will be coaching me?

You will be coached by a Certified Physician Life Coach and Positive Intelligence Coach with extensive experience in assisting professionals, ensuring expert guidance tailored to your unique needs.

FAQ image

How can I join the RevitalizeMD program?

For more details on enrolling in RevitalizeMD, please contact us at 📩 [email protected] or 📲 (505) 433-7130.


What is RevitalizeMD?

RevitalizeMD is a specialized mentorship program designed to empower physicians by providing guidance on career transitions, managing burnout, and achieving holistic well-being.

Who is the program for?

Specifically tailored for physicians and physician assistants, RevitalizeMD addresses the unique challenges and aspirations faced by medical professionals.

What are the benefits of joining RevitalizeMD?

Participants gain personalized support, practical strategies, and access to a supportive community, all aimed at helping them reach their personal and professional goals.

How many coaching sessions does the program include?

The program comprises four private coaching sessions covering essential topics like self-discovery, work-life integration, resilience, empowerment, time management, wellness, and overcoming setbacks.

Who will be coaching me?

You will be coached by a Certified Physician Life Coach and Positive Intelligence Coach with extensive experience in assisting professionals, ensuring expert guidance tailored to your unique needs.

FAQ image

How can I join the RevitalizeMD program?

For more details on enrolling in RevitalizeMD, please contact us at 📩 [email protected] or 📲 (505) 433-7130.


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355 E Plumb Ln #1098, Reno, NV 89502, USA

355 E Plumb Lane #1098, Reno, NV, 89502, USA


We are here

355 E Plumb Ln #1098, Reno, NV 89502, USA

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Gain the tools and strategies needed to become a more effective and inspiring to our fellow physicians, entrepreneurs and other sectors. Follow us on social media, sign up for our newsletter and engage with our community to stay inspired, informed, and connected on your journey of transformation.


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